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I am currently a Professor at the Department of Environmental Engineering of Chungbuk National University in Korea.

My research interests are the hydrodynamic and water quality monitoring, modelling, and sustainable management of rivers, reservoirs, and watershed systems. During my career I have involved in numerous research and consultant projects on the subject of surface water quality modelling and management, and diffused pollutant control in watersheds.


Hydrodynamic and water quality modelling for the sustainable management of rivers, reservoirs, and estuaries

A real-time water quality monitoring and modelling for operations of rivers and reservoirs

Effects of physical processes on biogeochemical processes and ecosystem function in stratified reservoirs


삶을 예측하기 힘든 만큼이나

자연은 예측하기가 어렵습니다.

모델링을 공부하면서 우리는

위대한 자연의 원리를 만나게 되고

그 광대함과 심오함 앞에 머리 숙여

경의를 표하지 않을 수 없게 됩니다.

수질모델링을 공부한다는 것은

숨겨진 자연계의 원리를 조금씩

깨닫는 과정이며

사물을 종합적으로 깨달아 가는

즐거운 여정이라 생각합니다.


1996 - 1998 (Ph.D.)

Iowa State University (

Civil and Construction Engineering

Research Excellence Award

1994 - 1996 (M.S.)

Iowa State University (

Civil and Construction Engineering

1986 - 1990 (B.S)

Seoul National University (

Agricultural Engineering, Cum laude

Effects of climate change on the surface water quality and ecosystem

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